The Graph Below Shows Average Carbon Dioxide

Lilie King
Written by Lilie

7.5 in Academic Writing

May 27, 2021

The graph below shows average carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions per person in the United Kingdom, Sweden, Italy and Portugal between 1967 and 2007.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

This essay question is from Cambridge IELTS 11 Test 3 Writing Task 1.

Average carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions per person, 1967-2007

the graph below shows average carbon dioxide

Sample essay

The line graph displays average carbon dioxide emissions each person in four different countries produced between 1967 and 2007.

Overall, while per-capita carbon emissions in the UK and Sweden went down over the course of this 40-year period, they went up in Italy and Portugal.

Despite a steady decline from about 11 to 9 metric tonnes, emissions in the UK were higher than in the other three countries over these 40 years. Sweden’s emissions first rose from roughly 9 metric tonnes in 1967 to its maximum of about 10.5 metric tonnes in 1977. They then dropped significantly to only around 5.5 metric tonnes in 2007, making Sweden one of the smallest per-capita emitters of carbon dioxide of the four countries that year.

Average carbon emissions that each person in Italy was responsible for climbed gradually from approximately 4.5 to almost 8 metric tonnes between 1967 and 2007. In Portugal, each person only produced around 1.5 metric tonnes of emissions in 1967. This country’s emissions then grew steadily and reached a similar level to Sweden’s by 2007, at about 5.5 metric tonnes. (186 Words)

How to Paraphrase “Carbon Dioxide Emissions”

“Carbon dioxide emissions” is a common and well-recognized phrase. Don’t try to change it. Otherwise, we may give completely the wrong impression. For example, if we use “the average amount of carbon dioxide that each person produced”, readers may be confused. This is because the only carbon dioxide most people produce is when we breathe out. Alternatively, and with a different meaning of “produce”, an employee at a dry ice factory might produce vast quantities of the stuff.

But that doesn’t mean we can’t vary our language. Once we’ve established the context in our introduction paragraph that we’re talking about average carbon dioxide emissions per person, we don’t need to repeat “average”, “carbon dioxide”, and “per person” again and again in the rest of our essay. Using ‘emissions’ is enough. See how I used just ‘emissions’ in my third paragraph.

Besides, we can use these constructions to vary our language:

  • Per-capita carbon emissions in the UK and Sweden decreased.
  • The UK was the biggest per-capita emitter of carbon dioxide during the entire period.
  • Average emissions that each person in Italy was responsible for climbed gradually from approximately 4.5 to almost 8 metric tonnes.
  • On average each person in Portugal only produced around 1.5 metric tonnes of carbon emissions in 1967.

Note that I didn’t use “the amount of carbon dioxide emitted/produced/released”. I kept the original wording “carbon emissions”, but used different grammar.

Describe Trends Accurately

3-Day Writing Task 2 Challenge

31 CommentsLeave A Comment

  1. please evaluate my writing. where i can improve and give a band score.

    The line graph illustrates four different countries, such as The United Kingdom, Sweden, Italy,and Portugal average carbon dioxide emissions per person in 40 years.
    Overall, it is readily apparent that throughout the period, the United Kingdom and Sweden started with some high amount of emission and eventually experienced some decrement, while Sweden and Portugal were in quite opposite trends.
    There was evidence of a steady decrease in the emission of CO2 in the UK . It was about 11 metric tons in 1967 and slightly decreased to approximately 10 metric tons in 1987, which also showed a decline in the next 20 years, and was about 9 metric tons in 2007. On the other hand, Sweden displayed some fluctuation between around 7 and 9 metric tons from 1967 to 1987. Which steadily decreased in 2007 and accounted for 9 metric tons.
    Average CO2 emission per person in Italy increased significantly in a 40 years interval, it was about 4.5 metric tons in 1967, which gradually increased and accounted for just under 8 metric tons in 2007. In Portugal. the per person emission rate started with one metric tone in 1967 and finished with some dominant in 2007 with an amount of 4.5 metric tons.

  2. Hi Lillie, I hope this my question won’t come off as intruding or prying, but I just would like to know how long it actually took you to come up with this work (after the editing and stuff)? The reason that I would like to know is because I am perplexed if it is just me who barely can do something like this in 20 minutes? Ty so much and btw, your videos are extremely helpful

    1. Hi, when i was preparing for ielts, I set a timer and forced myself to finish a task 1 report in 20 mins. The essays published on this site are different. I spent much more time writing and improving them. I am going to launch a 3-day challenge this month. Hope to see you there.

  3. Hi Lilie, can I use ”among” instead of ”of” in this sentence: “making Sweden one of the smallest per-capita emitters of carbon dioxide OF the four countries that year”

  4. The line graph displays the CO2 emissions of four different European countries from 1967 to 2007, they are United Kingdom (UK), Sweden, Italy and Portugal respectively.

    The UK has the highest amount of CO2 emissions overall, Sweden was the second before Italy surpassed it in 1987. Portugal had the least amount of CO2 emissions throughout the years, however it and Italy were the only 2 countries which recorded the progressive growth in emissions.

    Over 10 metric tonnes of CO2 was emitted in UK in 1967. Although UK always had the greatest emissions, it recorded the trend of waning emissions, when there was still 10 metric tonnes of CO2 emitted in 1987, less than that was emitted since then and about 9 metric tonnes in 2007. Italy emissions were merely over 4 metric tonnes in 1967, 2 more metric tonnes in 1977 and almost reached 8 from 1997 to 2007.

    Sweden emitted more than 8 metric tonnes in 1967, while the data skyrocketed to over 10 metric tonnes in 1977, before it started plunging to 7 in 1987, when it was sharing the same emissions with Italy that year exactly. Swedish emissions kept falling consistently and meet the rising Portugal in 2007.

  5. Hi …..
    pls i need to see the comments and mistake foe my write and also, what score can suggest base on writing below

    The line chart illustrates four different types of countries there was emission carbon dioxide (CO2), in a period of 40 years, measured in metric tons.
    In general view, the most existing characteristic indicates that, Sweden had the biggest average emissions, while Portugal had the smallest output during the span.
    We can see on the chart; Portugal began for roughly 1 tone in 1967. In the same year, Italy, Sweden and the United Kingdom started with 4 tones, 7 tones and 11 tones, respectively. However, United Kingdom reached the maximum peak at 11 tons, but the Portugal and Sweden had an intersection point in 2007 around 6 tons.
    Interestingly, between 1967 and 2007, the volume of Sweden increased from 9 tons to 10 tons, then decreased dramatically to reach the minimum level in 2007, roughly 6 tons. However, there was a growth for Italy between 1967 and 1977 from 4 tons to 7 tons, then it remained constant at roughly 8 tons at the end of the period.
    To sum up, the line chart has shown a quite significant difference in carbon per person among various countries.

    1. Hi Silver, I used “each person” with “average”. What’s your concern with using “each person” like that?

      1. In the first paragraph, “average carbon dioxide emissions each person” seems to paraphrase “average carbon dioxide emissions per person” in the instruction. What confuses me is if this is an acceptable expression, because it seems to me that “each person” is more suitable to be a subject or object of a sentence.

      2. In that sentence, “that” is omitted. Read it this way: The line graph displays average carbon dioxide emissions THAT each person in four different countries produced between 1967 and 2007. So, “each person” is the subject of the “that” clause. Hope this helps.

  6. I want to ask you that is it ok to use “a person” instead of “each person” or “per person”. Thanks!

      1. Thank you ❤️
        I also want to ask is it ok to write ” Units are measured in metric tonnes” in the first paragraph,and in the following paragraphs, I only write numbers, like ” a steady decline from 11 to 9″.

  7. The graph display the average carbon dioxide production per individual in different four countries between 1967 and 2007.

    Overall, in 1967 the highest metric ton of co2 per individual was emitted in the UK but with time it was decreasing gradually whilst the fewest metric tonnes of CO2 were produced in Portugal. Furthermore, the production of CO2 in Sweden and Portugal was increasing gradually with time.
    Approximately, 11 metric tons of CO2 were emitted in the UK which was the highest in 1967 but with time CO2 emission per person dwindled gradually and reached nearly 9 metric tons in 2007. In 1977 Sweden rose to its highest peak by manufacturing roughly 11 metric tons of co2 but after this year production decreased significantly to nearly 7 metric tons in 1987. Observing a downward trend, it stimulated about 5 metric tonnes of CO2 in 2007. Every year emission of co2 in Italy expanded gradually. In the year 1967, it produced closely 4 metric tons of CO2 between 1977 to 1997 emission of co2 increased moderately from about 6 to 8 metric tonnes. But after this year production grew steadily till 2007 and reached a peak of nearly 8 metric tonnes. At the beginning of 1967, Portugal developed nearly 1 metric ton of CO2 but with time production heightened gradually till 1987 with nearly 3 metric tonnes. Nevertheless, after this year production increased considerably for 1 year with two metric tonnes. After this co2 generation was steady till 2007 and reached a peak of roughly 5 metric tonnes.

  8. The line graph above demonstrates the average carbon dioxide emissions each person in Great Britain, Sweden, Italy and Portugal from 1967 to 2007. As a measurement, it had used metric tonnes system.

    According to the line graph, Italy was recorded a considerable increase during this time meanwhile Portugal’s rise was monitored as well, even though it is lower then Italy’s CO2 emissions amount.

    On the other hand, the United Kingdom had decreased its toxic gas emission from 11 to approximately 9 metric tonnes. On the other side, Even though Sweeden’s amount of emissions was decreased gradually from 10.5 to about 4.5 metric tonnes, Sweden was observed an increase at the first decade of this period .

    Overall, the amount of carbon dioxide emissions went up continuesly by Italy and Portugal during this decades ( from about 4 to nearby 8 and from aprroximately 1 to 5 respectively). On the other hand, the gas emissions was went down by the United Kingdom and Sweeden gradually.

  9. The displayed graph illustrates the discharge of Carbon dioxide per head
    in mean during 1967 to 2007 in four different countries UK,Sweden
    Italy and portugal.
    As an Overall trend, the proportion of CO2 emission in UK and Sweden were
    greater than the average of italy and portugal during that time
    whereas the maximum average of CO2 discharge in portugal was same as minimum average
    of Co2 emission in sweden, it means both countries reaches above 5 metric tonnes in mean by 2007
    however the highest discharge CO2 of italy is almost 8 metric tonnes
    which close to the lowest edge of UK’s releasing CO2 in 2007.

    In 1967 United Kingdom was on the top of the graph in average of 11
    and it slowly droping to 8.5 metric tonnes in 2007, dispite in 1967 for sweden the average
    CO2 emission starting was similar as United Kingdom discharge amount in 2007,
    then,it improved significantly to 10.1 metric tonnes in 1977,and suddenly declined rapidly
    in every decade reaches to the average of 5 metric tonnes in 2007.

    Furthermore,in 1967 Portugal and italy the average of CO2 emission
    started from 1.5 metric tonne and 4 metric tonnes, where both countries increased moderately,from
    1997 to 2007 portugal remain steady approxmimately 5.5 metric tonnes and in the
    same years italy remain constant almost 8 metric tonnes in mean.

  10. Hi, dear, would you mind giving some corrections and band score for my writing, thank you!

    The line chart compares the amounts of per-capita carbon dioxide emissions in four different countries from 1967 to 2007.

    It is clear that there were significant changes in the amount of carbon dioxide emissions in each country over the period shown. Overall, while the amounts of emissions in Italy and Portugal increased gradually, the figures for the United Kingdom and Sweden fell steadily.

    In 1967, around 10.9 metric tonnes of carbon dioxide was produced by one person in UK, compared to 8.8 metric tonnes in Sweden and 4.4 metric tonnes in Italy. Portugal saw the smallest amount of per-capita carbon dioxide emission, at only 1.2 metric tonnes. Over the following 10 years, the amount of carbon dioxide releasing rose dramatically to a peak of 10.3 metric tonnes in Sweden , and the figures for Italy and Portugal was at around 6.3 metric tonnes and 2.2 metric tonnes respectively, while the figures for UK only show a negligible drop of 0.2 metric tonnes.
    After the year of 1977, the amounts of emissions in UK and Sweden fell gradually over the period of 30 years, while the figures for Italy and Portugal increased steadily over the same period. By 2007, there was approximately 5.5 metric tonnes carbon dioxide per person discharged from Italy and Portugal, whereas united kingdom and Sweden were recorded at 8.9 and 7.5 metric tonnes respectively.

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