The Graph Below Shows the Average Monthly Change in the Prices of Three Metals During 2014

Written by Lilie
7.5 in Academic Writing

Improved by Gregory
Born and Raised in Canada
July 29, 2023
The graph below shows the average monthly change in the prices of three metals during 2014.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
Average monthly change in prices of copper, nickel and zinc (2014)

Sample Essay
The line graph depicts the average monthly price fluctuations of three metals during 2014, compared to the preceding months.
Overall, prices for all three metals increased throughout most months of the year, with nickel showing the greatest price changes compared to the other two.
Nickel prices experienced the most significant fluctuations in January and February, rising by 6% and 4%, respectively. The following three months also saw growth in nickel prices, ranging from 0.5% to 1%. After a drop of 1% to 3% from June to October, they began to climb again, increasing by 1% in November and December.
Zinc prices, like nickel, declined only from June to October, by no more than 1%. However, the most substantial zinc price hikes occurred in February, March, and December, rising by 3%, 2%, and 2%, respectively.
On the other hand, copper prices remained relatively stable compared to the other two metals. They showed an increase of no greater than 2% throughout the year, except for a minor fall of around 0.5% from May to June. (176 Words)
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The line graph illustrates the price changes in three metals across twelve months in 2014. Looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that the trend for all the sections fluctuated throughout the period, with Nickel, in particular, experiencing a significant decline.
While Nickel started the period at 6%, the highest price among the other metals, Copper and Zinc stand at 2 and 1%, respectively. For the first 5 months, the prices for all the metals generally decreased, particularly with Nickel dipping to 1% until March and seeing a low of -3% in June. However, Zinc grew rapidly to reach its high of 3% in March, although it eventually decreased to -1% at a gradual speed in June.
On the other hand, in June, all the figures began to surge and remained stable without noticeable change from July to September. Thereafter, while Copper maintained its stable price by the end of the period, there was substantial growth in Nickel and Zinc, rebounding to their initial figures and finishing the period at 1% and 2%, respectively.
This is the time series of the monthly average price change of three materials in 2014. The graph explains the percentage of price change compared with the previous month.
In the first four months, copper had positive changes at 1 to 2%. The next two months they had a decreased price at below minus 1% and then went up again in the next semester with a 0.5 to 2% price change.
In the meantime, nickel and zinc had a relatively similar pattern. From January to May, they had an increased monthly change of prices and went down from June to October. After that, they got another increase in average prices two months ahead.
overall, nickel and zinc only had two different trends, happening in February and December. While copper seemed to have a more constant increase in its monthly average price in ten months, accumulatively, in 2014.
I’ve read the comments however I still don’t understand why the overall prices increased during those 12 months period. For instance, nickel stood at 6% in January and in February it stood at 4%. How could a 6% to 4% change is considered positive (aka increase)? Then it dropped again to 1% in March and bottomed at -3% in June. From 6% in January to -3% in June, I see no indication of price increasing. Can you explain?
You misread the chart. What do you mean by “nickel stood at 6%”? How can a price stand at 6%? Read the text on the left side of the chart and try figuring out what each percentage represents.
I appreciate your work but can’t we approach this question like it offers a unit “change in prices monthly”. That might be easier to follow. I wrote it a report initially but after seeing yours I changed mine. However the latter was more difficult in terms of reading the graph.
Please if you have time and experience check my writing.
The provided following diagram illustrates data about normal changes of cost of given three kind of metals in every month of 2014.
Looking from an overall. It is readily apparent that the nickel experienced extremely losing the value whereas price of copper and zinc stood at one nearly same place during the given period time.
To begin with the level of changes nickel price, although it accounted for 6% which was the highest percentage in the beginning of the year. There was a dramatical decrease in this following feagure at -3% within next 5 months. After three months changing of selling price slightly fluctuated to -2%. However in December this amount constituted only1%.
Moving to sales of zinc changed 2 % in January which underwent respectively fluctuation over the year to 2% which was the highest proportion in December. Following that the last metal(copper) started 2014year with 2%, and next 12 months this trend went through little alternation equaled to just under 2%(1.5%).
Please evaluate it and comment on it if anyone has time.
The line graph illustrates the average market values of the three different matals for the each month of the year, 2014.
Overall, it can be said that copper and zinc has experienced almost simiar fluctuations but the other metal, nickel has seen different up and down.
To begin with, the price of nickel was decreasing from the beginning of January to the end May which was 6% to -3% though the price rate was stable throughout March. Then the rise commenced from the starting of June to the last day of December and it was 1% but in the middle, a few months saw few fluctuation.
On the contrary, zinc underwent two big rises in the month of January and October to December which was 3% and 2% at the end of January and December respectively and rest of the months saw stable or minor fluctuations. Unlike the two objects, copper experienced small uprisings and downfalls which was from 2% in January to 1.5% in December. (Around 167 words)
The line chart gives information on how the average prices of three different metals changes during 2014 compared with the previous months.
In general, it could be seen that throughout a year copper, nickel, and zinc have fluctuated change in prices.
To begin with, Nickel that was the highest price in mineral since January experience decrease from 6% fell down to only 1% in March. Then the price dramatically declined in July that was signed as the lowest price of mineral during a year with minus 3%. After decreasing, Nickel raised again and stagnant in the level of minus 1% in July, August, and September. At the end of period, Zinc was still the lowest mineral compared to others.
Besides, Zinc also experienced fluctuated price in a year. Start with only 1% in January, the material have the highest price in December compared to other materials. Interestingly, Cooper was a material that have slight fluctuation. Placed on the second place for price average in January, this material still have the second position, in the middle of Zinc and Nickle.
The line graph depicts a percentage of the mean variation in prices for every month of 2014 for copper, nickel, and zinc.
Overall, the average price of all three metals went down until June and then went up till the end of the period, along with some fluctuations. However, nickel faced more changes than others.
In January, the average change in prices of copper, nickel, and zinc was 2%, 6%, and 1%, respectively. They all experienced a fall in the following month except zinc, which increased to 3%. Then they all continuously dropped down, and instead of increasing, their rates were decreasing by around 1% in copper and zinc, and in nickel, it went down to -3% till the middle of the year.
In July, the percentage of all metals in the average of price changes went up; copper and nickel reached nearly -1%, and zinc reached 1%. After that, they all remained the same until September. Then their proportion ranged between 1% and 2% in December.
Hi lili, I was wondering as to whether you provide personal guidance ? If you do, how much did you charge, and how’s the payment?
I’m sorry, I don’t have time for one-on-one coaching at the moment as I’m working on a course that I plan to launch in December.
May I ask, how did you find the price was increased?
What does it mean when a percentage is negative, and what does it mean when a percentage is positive?
I dont quick understand. I think positive means price increasing , and negative means decreasing.
I saw the it mention %change in price compared with the prevouis month. I think it means comared the price changed 2014 with 2013 a specific month. So if Febuary price in 2014 was higher than Febuary 2013. Then the percentage exchange will be positive. (2014-2013)/2013, if the price of any month in 2014 was lower than the same month in 2013. Then the result will be negative.
Yes, a positive percentage means an increase in the price, whereas a negative percentage means a decrease in the price. Most percentages are positive, so we could say that prices for all three metals increased throughout most months of the year. (Where does the graph say 2013?)
This is a good example. Many people may misinterpret % change in price in this article. I find your explanation very helpful.
True! In February, the percent change in the price of nickel decreased, but the price increased.
hi, just here to share my essay 🙂
please let me know if there is any mistake. thank you very much!!
The given line chart provides information about the data on the monthly price fluctuations of the three metals during 2014, compared to the previous month.
In general, the prices of the three metals had undergone significant fluctuations, with nickel demonstrating the most considerable changes. However, they all displayed similar patterns throughout the 12 months.
Nickel reached its peak at 6% in the very beginning, followed by copper at 2% in the second place and zinc at 1% in the third. Whereas nickel plummeted rapidly and copper decreased gradually in February, zinc was the only one that started to climb in numbers, accounting for 3% that month. The three types of metals all began to decrease steadily and reached their lowest point eventually in June.
In July, all three of them rose, with nickel increasing the most substantially at a rate of 2% compared to copper and zinc. Moreover, they had plateaued and maintained the same level during the following two years to September. In the end, zinc became the first place in reverse, while copper still remained the second, and nickel became the third.
Dear lilie! Please guide how to get you personally for payment procedure…any personal domain??
Hi Mary, only credit cards are supported. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
In overview increased word seems very frustrating. Because at the end of the year they all decreased except zinc. So is it alright if i write (prices for all three metals are fluctuating throughout the year, with nicel showing the greatest price changes compared to the other two)?
Mam compared to past i think you made up things very complicated..i also think it is happening because of collaboration with that guy…
I honestly think this is a pretty straightforward essay. Could you point out where you find it to be overly complicated?
I also feel the same …your own way of writing is just amazing… I don’t know but the collaboration seems to make things complex…
Hi Lillie, I read all the comments and it looks like practically everybody is baffled about how the trend actually increased when in the graph, it shows a downward motion. Would you be so kind to enlighten us in that part? Thank you.
Hi, have you noticed the text near the y-axis? If a percentage is positive, then the price increased, compared to the previous month. For example, nickel prices increased by 4% in February, compared to January. In March, they increased by 1%, compared to February. 1% is a smaller increase than 4%, which is why the graph shows a downward trend. But the prices actually increased! Hope this helps.
The prices shows a trend of Decline not Increase ?
They showed an increase in most months.
“After a drop of 1% to 3% from June to October”. Miss I completely don’t understand this. Could you please explain a bit.
Hi, it means that nickel prices showed a decrease of 1% to 3% from June to October.
How can be indicate the data in minus? In overall paragraph, how can you say all three metal prices were increased… because nickel decreased from 6 to 1 percent
That’s why I added ‘most months’.
Zinc prices, like nickel, declined only from June to October, by no more than 1%. However, the most substantial zinc price hikes occurred in February, May, and December, rising by 3%, 2%, and 2%, respectively.
1) like is informal —
2)it should be February, March ,December…. not May
Sorry about ‘May’ but I’m pretty sure that ‘like’ can be used in formal contexts.
After a drop of 1% to 3% from June to October, nickel prices began to climb again, increasing by 1% in November and December.
i think this one is better——
After a drop of 1% to 3% from June to October, they began to climb again, increasing by 1% in November and December.
Yes, ‘they’ is better. Thanks for pointing it out.
How can this be a bar graph?
Sorry for that stupid error. I’ve changed it to ‘line graph’.