The Diagram Below Shows How Instant Noodles Are Manufactured

Lilie King
Written by Lilie

7.5 in Academic Writing

September 1, 2021

The diagram below shows how instant noodles are manufactured.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

This essay question is from Cambridge IELTS 15 Test 3 Writing Task 1.

Manufacturing instant noodles

the diagram below shows how instant noodles are manufactured

Sample Essay

The diagram displays the production of instant noodles.

Overall, it is an automated process that consists of six main stages: mixing raw materials, producing dough strips, making noodle discs, cooking, drying, and packaging.

First of all, flour kept in storage silos is transported to a manufacturing center by truck. There, it is combined with water and oil in a mixer to create dough. The dough then passes through several rollers which knead it until it becomes dough sheets that have a consistent texture and the perfect thickness for instant noodles. Next, the sheets are cut by slitters into dough strips, which are subsequently placed in moulds to form noodle discs.

The discs then go through the cooking process in which they are fried in oil. Once fried, they are cooled and dried before being put into cups along with packets of vegetables and spices. Finally, the cups are labeled and sealed.

151 Words

How to Write the Overview

Only summarizing the first and last steps is not enough. Read the examiner’s comment on page 133 of Cambridge IELTS 16.
  • Overall, it is a man-made process consisting of eight stages, beginning with transporting flour to a factory and ending with packaging.
  • Overall, it is an automated process consisting of six main stages: mixing raw materials, producing dough strips, making noodle discs, cooking, drying, and packaging.

How to Avoid Repetition

“Stored” and “storage” in the first sentence sound repetitive. Use “kept” instead.
  • Flour stored in storage silos is transported to a manufacturing center by truck.
  • Flour kept in storage silos is transported to a manufacturing center by truck.
“Mixed” and “mixer” in the first sentence sound repetitive. Use “stirred” or “combined” instead.
  • Flour is mixed with water and oil in a mixer to create dough.
  • Flour is stirred with water and oil in a mixer to create dough.
  • Flour is combined with water and oil in a mixer to create dough.
“Cut” and “cutters” in the first sentence sound repetitive. Use “slitters” instead.
  • Dough sheets are cut into dough strips by cutters.
  • Dough sheets are cut into dough strips by slitters.

Linking Words

Linking words used in the sample essay are highlighted in red.

3-Day Writing Task 2 Challenge

25 CommentsLeave A Comment

  1. (Please give band score of this writing )
    The given process chart defines the manufacturing procedure of instant noodles.

    Overall, The manufacture of instant noodles is pass through various Steps to make final product from raw material. Mainly Four Three Steps are very important mixing, Cooking and labelling in this process.

    To begin with Flour for making instant noodles is pumped from a truck into storage silos through a pipe. After that, stored flour is Sent to the next step, where flour 18 mixed with water as well as oil in a mixer. Once flour is mixed then a flour passed Via rollers in order to make dough Sheets. Apart from this, before making noodles discs, dough sheets are Seperated into small dough strips .
    Moreover, in the sixth step, noodles discs are cooked with the help of oil then left for drying. Dried needles filed in the cups along with vegetables and Spices. This addition is done In the last second step of the process . Lastly, Labelling and sealing on the cups of noodles take place and finally instant noodles, are ready for spelling / Marketing / Delivery.

  2. please evaluate my writing if I write this topic this is style how much is core provides as a examiner in IELTS exam. I am so disappointed for my writing .
    The given diagram provides information about the process by which production of instant noodles.
    Overall, it can be seen that the process consist of eight main stages. The first step start with flour kept in storage sailors and ends with levelling and sealing that is ready to be consumed.

    To begin with, flour kept in storage sailos is transported to manufacturing centre by a special track. There is a combined with water and oil in a mixture to create dough. The dough passes through by several rollers which knead by dough, that have consist textures and the perfect thickness for instant noodles. In the subsequent stage, the sheets are cutting by door strip which is placed into noodles discs.

    In the next stage, the noodles disc then go through the cooking oil and which are dried by cooking process. This noodles put into the cups before package of vegetable and spices. Finally, the cups are labeled and sealed, and at last this products are ready to sell.

  3. The illustration demonstrates the production of noodles urgently.

    In general, the procedure of noodle manufacturing involves 8 definite stages, commencing with the storage of flour in the silos and culminating in labeling and sealing.

    To begin, the flours are saved in the appropriate storage locations, which are transferred by truck. Following this stage, the flours are combined in the mixer with water and oil. Then, the provided dough sheets are passed through the strips, where noodles are converted into disc shapes. Next, the disk noodles shape are cooked in the oil and then dried.

    In the subsequent segment, the noodles are flavored with vegetables and appropriate spices. Finally, the flavored noodles are labeled and sealed, in which the labeled noodles are ready for distribution.

  4. The diagram gives us a piece of information about production procedure of instant noodles.
    Insight,the production procedure is conducted by piling up siols generated from flour and accomplished by labelling and sealing the cups. As day to day the deman is growing up companies added some mod-cons considering about hygiene , quick production along with time saving.
    The first and foremost step is storage silos from flour by this the procedure is started. Then silos is put off at the mixer with water and oil that makes the silos to dough. At the releasing point of mixer, there are some rollers to turn the dough into the thin sheets. Cutter,set at the end of the rollers are used for striping the dough from from thin sheets.
    After crossing a quit long channel the strips are kept into the noodles disk to curl the straight strips. The disks are taken into the cooking oil for a gentle fry and oil is soaked up by using dry sheets like tissue paper.
    Now, noodles are ready for being cupped. Before the cupoing these are mixed with vegetables and spices to ensure it’s own varianted test. At last, the whole manufacturing procedure accomplished by levelling and sealing the cups and now the are ready to amaze foodies by It’s authentic test.

  5. The diagram illustrates the way in which instant noodles are produced.

    Overall, the process consists of 8 stages, beginning with the flour storing in silos and ending up with labelling and sealing cups.

    In the initial stage, flour is stored into silos from a truck. After that, these flour is later given into a mixer machine where water and oil are mixed with this. From here, it turns into dough sheets and leads by roller to a noodles manufacturing machine. Afterwards, these sheets become dough strips in the machine.

    Following this, the machine cut down these strips into noodles discs. Then, these discs of noodles are cooked in oil and left to dry. In the following step, they are put into cups as well as some vegetables and spices mixed with these. In the final stage, labels are added on these cups as well as cups are sealed and ready to deliver.

  6. Hello, i really appreciate your work. But, in the first step the flour is transported to the manufacturing unit which is then stored in silos. This becomes clear from the arrow as well.

  7. The diagram describes the production of instant noodles.

    Overall, there are 8 stages involved in the production of instant noodles which begins with flour been transported by a truck from storage silos to the final stage which is labelling and sealing.

    To begin with, flour that are stored in storage solos are transported via a truck to the factory whereby the flour is poured into a mixer which contain water and oil for proper mixture, it is then rolled with roller to produce dough sheets which is further formed as dough strips.

    At stage 5, the dough strips is processed into noodles disc, which is poured into a cooking oil and dried. The dried noodles is thereafter poured into cups where vegetables and spices are added to season it and make it more consumable. The final stage is where the noodles are then labelled and sealed for consumption.

  8. The diagram explains in which ways are the instant noodles manufactured.

    Overall, the process consists of eight stages, beginning with storage silos and ending up with the products labelling and sealing.

    First of all, flour is transfer to storage silos. Next, the flour is added and mixed with water and oil using a mixer machine. After that, the mixture goes through a special roller to become a dough sheets following by cutting the dough to dough strips.

    In the next step, the dough strips rolled into a shape of discs. Then, it deeply fry in oil and dry. The noodles transferred into cups and flavored with vegetables and spices. Finally, the noodles cups labelled and sealed and ready to use.

  9. Mind-boggling content. I loved the systemetic and the most simplest way of this website. Easy to access all task type and all other things are superb. Great job👍.

  10. Hello Lillie, can I use the plural form of ‘truck’ in the first sentence of the second paragraph? It will be like this: “First of all, flour kept in storage silos is transported to a manufacturing center by trucks.”

  11. ‘…at the end, cups are sealed, marked and sent to market shelves’
    Is it OK that I added some details that are not presented in the task?

    1. No, you shouldn’t write about “market shelves” because perhaps the next step is to package the finished cups in cupboard boxes for shipping.

      1. The given illustration shows the production of instant noodles.

        Overall, it is an automated process consisting of 5 stages that are making dough, converting the dough into strips, producing noodles discs, cooking the dough, and lastly packaging.

        The process begins with putting flour into storage silos from where it is transferred into the mixer to make the dough, water and oil are added gradually into it. The rollers produce the dough sheets which are later passed into a machine to be converted into dough strips. Following this, these strips are cooked in oil and after drying, kept into the noodles discs. Once that happened, some vegetables and spices are added to the cups to look more delicious. On a final spot, /finally, instant noodles are ready to sell to the customers after being sealed and labelled.

        Plz, tell me how many bands will I get. ?

  12. The Graph illustrate the process of manufacturing instant noodles from raw materials to final product
    The roadmap of creating this small cup passes by eight linear stages that mainly depend om machinery and automation starting by storing the flour up until labeling the cups and sending them to stores ready to use.
    At the beginning the flour in the trucks is inserted in the storage silos , then the flour is mixed in the mixer after adding water and oil to form the dough sheets that are shaped by passing through some rollers, moving to the fourth step where those sheets are transformed to strips and then to Noodles discs that are put in cooking oil and drying after that, next those dried noodles discs are placed in cups and have some vegetables and spices added to them moving to the 8th and the final step where they label and seal the noodles cups

  13. May i calrify the follwoing points please ,
    1) is it wrong to mentione only the starting and the ending process in the introdution para. BUt to explain in body para.
    2) Can i use pre cokked noodles are sent for packaging and labelling. ? this pre cooked word gives my assumption that its going to be cooked again and is wrong?

    Thanks in advance.
    Take care

    1. 1) It isn’t wrong but won’t get you a high score. Please read the examiner’s comment on page 133 of Cambridge IELTS 16. Just follow the examiner’s advice.
      2) Yes, you can use “pre-cooked”.
      Hope this helps.

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