In the Future Nobody Will Buy Printed Newspapers

Written by Lilie
7.5 in Academic Writing
March 16, 2021
In the future, nobody will buy printed newspapers or books because they will be able to read everything they want online without paying. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Sample Essay
Physical newspapers and books are losing their popularity. Although I completely agree that, in the future, they will not be in demand at all, I totally disagree that this is because everything people want to read will be available on the Internet for free.
Obviously, not all digital books and newspapers will be free of charge in the future. This is because for many organizations their revenue from electronic publications supports their entire operation. For example, the New York Times charges a one-dollar monthly subscription fee for their digital articles. This charge allows them to pay their employees and other operating costs. I believe this practice will continue in the future because, otherwise, they will go bankrupt.
The real reason why people will stop buying paper books and newspapers, I think, is that they can get electronic editions in a matter of seconds. After a new title is published, one has to go to a bookstore to buy the print version or wait for it to be delivered. The electronic version, in comparison, can be readily available to read in just seconds. For example, to purchase a Kindle book, a person just needs to go to and click some buttons. The book will appear in their Kindle reader right away.
In conclusion, while I agree that nobody will buy print publications in the future, I think this is not because they will be able to read every piece of digital content they want free of cost, but because it is quicker to download a digital publication than it is to acquire a printed copy. (266 Words)
How to Vary Your Language
Printed Books
Electronic Books
Without Paying:
Agree or Disagree?
Normally, when giving my opinion, I would completely either agree or disagree. However, I’m not comfortable writing about printed books. So, for this essay question, I completely agree that in the future nobody will buy printed books, but completely disagree that this is because they will be able to read everything they want online without paying. In this way, I can talk about ebooks in both of my body paragraphs. In my first body paragraph, I talk about why not all ebooks will be free. In my second body paragraph, I talk about the real reason why people won’t buy printed books: they can get an ebook much faster.
If you’re comfortable writing about printed books, you can totally disagree with the question statement. In your first body paragraph, you can still explain why not all ebooks will be free. Then, in your second body paragraph, you can talk about one of the benefits of reading paper books.
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Concerning the alteration attitude toward studying the general public will be less keen to spend money on books and newspapers in the years to come. I completely agree with this opinion.
To embark on, one of the rationales for the removal of books and newspapers and converting to the online mode is saving large amounts of paper. To illustrate this, consider educational books each year and each semester lots of books are written and after a few months they will be unused due to the editing and adding new subjects and enhancing the level of books.
Further and even more importantly, another factor contributing to this issue is easier access for individuals, which protects lots of wasting time. To put it in another way when each type of age wants to commence a new book and reach the latest news they can start to read by browsing websites rather than go to the bookstores and find the appropriate book.
To sum up, although there are valid arguments to the contrary, I would contend that the benefits of changing mode in reading books and newspapers are more. when you follow the new method, you will be adapt to that way even if it will be hard at the beginning.
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This is my essay:
There is a common opinion between people that in the future, no one will purchase physical books or newspaper due to they will have access to them through internet with no need to pay. In my opinion, I totally agree with that statement and during this essay, I have argued that this phenomenon is helpful for today’s life by reducing expenditures and bring more conveniences in today life.
Firstly, person by having access to books or magazine via internet freely, are able to read more book or can investigate more articles than before because they do not need to pay any money for them. Cost of living in modern life are increasing year by year and it is predicted to maintain its trend for future years. So generally, I think a notable portion of persons will find various ways to diminish it for themselves. Reading everything they wish from internet, is a path to achieve mentioned purpose. For instance, whenever I go to national library of my country, 9 persons from 10 are reading their article, magazine and book from internet via their devices.
Secondly, the number of homeowners are decreasing every year due to high universal inflation rate that all countries are facing with that after emerging corona virus. In addition, new house are not vast. So, holding several printed textbook in addition to occupying space for place a book shelf, have a lot of weight and as a result, it can make challenge when a renter want to change the home. For instance, I have more than 30 book in the book shelf inside of my rental home. When I decided to change the home last year, transporting them bring lots of challenge for me.
To conclude, a growing number of people believe that in future years, no body will tend to buy printed books because online free book are available in internet. I wholly agree with that and this essay argued this point of view will beneficial for modern life in terms of costs management and having more convenience life.
Hi. thanks for your sample essay. in your opinion, it is true if I suppose that all or at least most demanded online books will be free? then, I talk about saving money by reader through reduced expenditures and more convenience about hold and transport them?
Can we paraphrase physical books by traditional books?
Sorry for the late response. Yes, physical books and traditional books are the same.
In the nearest time to come,no one will purchase published information, owing to the fact that, they can flip through whatsoever that interest them on the internet in absence of zero dime. In this essay I will be agreeing with this view.
Obviously, in recent time to come,printed documents would be far forgotten,because internet has continued gaining it popularity. Most people no longer goes to road side book vendors to stir at or purchase articles of their interest. Instead,masses prefer to sit home with their legs crossed,sipping through a glass of wine,and still get the information about the current happenings around the globe right in their gadgets.
Furthermore, the bloggers made it more fascinating by using several beautiful images to describe what they want to disseminate to the world. This is seen, as a lot of the globe are so lazy to read Long epistles,they are more comfortable going through more precise stuffs with lots of pictures showing what it actually meant. For instance,comedians are doing more exploit because they understood the power of the net,with thousands viewers and followers. You can imagine how boring it will be when is published. For example, those years comedies are not as popular as it is today.
In conclusion,online publications are more convenient and less pocket draining, and has come to stay till the end of time. Compared to the physical ones that are time consuming, bulky and above all too expensive. Example, Watermelon by Marian Keyes. I strongly agree,in nearest future there will be little or no place for publications.
Hi, you are working well. Love and lots of prayers from Pakistan. I have one question. Can we write in agreement or disagreement essay that I only partially agree. And afterwards we can support it with examples.
I’ve never tried ‘partially agree’ in an actual exam so I’m not sure if it works or not, sorry.
In the future, no one will buy printed newspapers or books as they will be able to get everything online for free. In this essay, I will first define the advantages, then the disadvantages, and finally give my opinion on the given topic.
I do agree with the above statement, as buying printed newspapers or books can cause intense harm to our environment, as papers are made out of trees. Trees are not only the source of oxygen, but they are also known for many other things that can be produced using them, just like paper, rubber, and plywood—right from the cheapest to the most exotic materials can be obtained using trees. As per a survey, 90% of trees are cut down for producing paper, which means that paper is the greatest threat manufactured by humans for their own needs. As a result, we are suffering global warming, and hence, going paperless can solve 80% of our problems with the environment. That’s why I support a paperless future.
On the other hand, using mobiles, tablets, and television all day can be a major cause of eyesight weakness. Most of us are using screens to support our blurry vision because we are attached to them. No doubt, the future will be paperless, and we won’t need any printed newspapers or books future for anything, as it is possible with just one to click. But we know that the information we get online can be fake, and our eyesight can be poor. Many scientists believe that our brain processes information slower if we read it on screens, whereas reading from books makes our memory sharper.
To sum up, the future brings many effective changes in our lives, which are remarkable, but the change to a paperless future brings equal profit and loss to both humans and our environment. In my opinion, technology is great, but books with software don’t make it feel good for any reader as it is most irritating. Being a reader myself, I hate using soft copies of books, but again, we have to change our habits according to our generation’s, and hence I do agree with the topic statement.
No one will buy books or printed newspapers in the future since they will be capable of reading anything they want online at no cost.Not everyone agrees with this, and I too disagree with it because they will not be in demand at all, and I will provide a logical explanation for my choice.
Obviously, not all digital books or newspapers are available online without any cost because all organizations have some rules and restrictions that all companies must follow to earn money, so why will they provide everything online for free? But sometimes they bring out a few books and newspapers for their publicity; it’s like one kind of advertisement as well. Companies want their brand to gain a lot of recognition online, with each individual following them. However, from the point of view of books and printed newspapers, finding free content online is quite difficult, so I disagree with this topic.
On the other hand, a bookworm will always want to read physical books or printed newspapers, just as a real person will never stop buying paper books and newspapers. For example, if a book is first published online and then offline, one can purchase a book on Amazon from another website that has read the complete electronic version, but when the book comes out in the local market, one can again purchase this book because books or printed newspapers have an amazing scent that attracts book lovers. Moreover, I believe that not everything is available online without cost.
In conclusion, Since everyone will be able to read anything they want online for free in the future, nobody will purchase books or printed newspapers.This is not universally accepted, and I don’t agree either, because there won’t be any demand for them.
I have not got your point, I learned that we have to give clear opinion, but here you agreed as well as disagreed 😵💫. Shouldn’t we say such like i fully agree/disagree? 🤔
Hi, thanks for your comments. I FULLY agree that in the future nobody will buy printed books but FULLY disagree this is because everything will be online for free. This is different from having a paragraph that agrees with a point but having another paragraph that disagrees with that same point. Hope this helps.
In opinion essay and discuss both the essay if I write two ideas in each body paragraph then it will not affect my task response? Please give me suggestion for this.
Hi, if you do that, you will be listing points instead of fully developing your points so I think it will affect your task response.
Thank you so much for sharing this with us, but the bottom of you essay, in the tips, you write down”If you are comfortable writing about printed books, you can totally agree with the question statement.” but why? I think we should totally disagree?
Yes, it should be “disagree”. I edited it. Thank you.
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Hey… Glad that i found your website, you are doing a great job. I want to ask something
I want to fully agree with the statement (BP1 ) and in BP2 i want to acknowledge the disagree side (some people would argue…..) So, if the point for disagree refute my aforementioned point for agreeing in bp1 then would it be okay??
For instance, BP1 ( agree) = online pirates make it easy for people to have access to even paid articles free of cost
BP2 ( disagree) = not all materials are for free
Is this in coherent? Sorry for the long text, i m too confused. Hope you understood.
Waiting for the reply
I’ve never tried your method in a real exam so, sorry, I can’t answer your question.
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